ESMA's Film Animation training enjoys motivating and inspiring activity: conferences, workshops, selection of films in festivals, etc.
Find out more about these events here.
3 movies selected in European Short Film Festival
Swiff, Indice 50, and Ad Vitam Aeternam have just been selected in European Short Film Festival ( Berlin)
Asteria, U Scrusciu Du Mari, Swiff and Luxna selected in official competition of the festival CineGlobe (CERN – Geneve) !
Asteria, U Scrusciu Du Mari, Swiff and Luxna selected in official competition of the festival CineGlobe (CERN – Geneve) !
Château de Sable rewarded by “Cheeky’s blog”
Château de Sable is the short animated film n°2 of 2016 but also the n°2 of the top short films (according to the criteria of number of views, shares according to blog Cheeky).
Paris Digital Summit 2017 : L’Aviatrice won he Genie Award for Best Student Film “VFX / CGI” !
Aviatrice won the Genie Award for Best Student Film "VFX / CGI" at the Paris Digital Summit!
2 films selected in additional category of Oscars Nominated Short Films
Asteria and Indice 50 are selected by in the additional screening list of the Oscar Nominated Short Films program.
Clujshorts Festival 2017
The Clujshorts Festival in Romania has just selected 10 films from ESMA's 2016 promotion: La cour, L’aviatrice, U Scrusciu, Indice 50, Luxna, Meli-Metro, The passenger, Asteria, Ad Vitam, Farewell
Festival of the European Cinema of Lille : Swiff et Pas à Pas have bee selected for the cinema session « Cours de récré ».
Swiff and Pas à Pas, have just been selected to the Festival of the European Cinema of Lille, for the session "Cours de Récré".
Asteria et l’Aviatrice selected at the Paris Images Digital Summit 2017 !
As every beginning of year, Paris Images Digital Summit returns to the center stage to celebrate the best of the special effects of the year!
Asteria selected at Festival Clap 89 (Sens) !
Asteria have been selected in official category at the "Festival Clap 89 (Sens)" !
Indice 50 and The Passenger selected at Festival Animacam.
Indice 50 et The Passenger have been selected at Animacam festival.
Fox selected at festival PLAY, Lisbon’s International Kids Film.
Fox selected at festival PLAY, Lisbon's International Kids Film.
Asteria et L’Aviatrice selceted at Paris Digital Summit, Genie Awards
Asteria et L’Aviatrice have been selected for the Best Student Film – VFX/CGI