ESMA's Film Animation training enjoys motivating and inspiring activity: conferences, workshops, selection of films in festivals, etc.
Find out more about these events here.
8 selections ESMA at Film Festival Vidéo de Vebron
None less than 8 ESMA films have been selected at the 29th International Film Vidéo de Vébron Festival.
“Château de Sable”, vainqueur de l’Amazon Audience Award !
“Château de Sable” est le grand vainqueur de l'”Amazon Audience Award” de l’ITFS Festival!
“Château” fera partie du Festival Court Métrange 2016
“Château” fera partie de la 13ème édition du festival international Court Métrange
Detours en Cinécourt fait entrer “Château” dans la compétition !
“Château de Sable” sélectionné au Festival Detours en Cinécourt !
The online vote for the Amazon Audience Award is open
The new category of ITFS, Amazon Audience Award, has opened the online vote
Tea Time has been selected at the 2016 FILMETS Badalona Film Festival
Tea Time has just been selected at the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival 2016
4 films have been selected at Reel Shorts Film Festival
“Catch it”, “Clocky”, “Rubato” and “Fox” selected for the Reel Shorts Film Festival
“Fox” has been selected at the Plein la Bobine’s Festival
"The short story of a fox and a mouse" selected for the Plein la Bobine's Festival !
3 films have been selected at the Future Film Festival 2016
"Au Fil de l’Age", "Fox" et "Catch It" selected for the Future Film Festival 2016
2 films selected at NorthWest Animation Festival 2016
"Splash" et "Sweet Cocoon" selected for the NorthWest Animation Festival
“Château de Sable” sera présent à l’International AninetFest !
“Château de Sable” vient d’être sélectionné au AninetFest, dans la compétition « 20 best student animated films from around the world » .
“Hé Mademoiselle” online : a lot of media reactions with 488.000 views on youtube
The short "Hé Mademoiselle" is online since satursday the 26th… With more than 110.000 views on YouTube, the film attracts the attention of the media…