ESMA ranked 3rd best animation school in the world

School . 20 Sep. 2018

The Rookies ranked ESMA 3rd best animation school in the world in the category “Best Animation Schools 2018”!

You can consult The Rookies ranking (sponsored by Autodesk) and the details of the votes on this site: See the ranking

Key figures “Best Animation Schools 2018”

  • 428 students
  • 958 projects registered
  • 138 schools represented
  • 51 countries

The quality and know-how of ESMA rewarded

It’s really the quality of each student’s work that has been evaluated by The Rookies team. ESMA is the school with the largest number of students who submitted their work on The Rookies platform with no less than 35 submitted projects!

Earlier in the year The Rookies had launched a ranking of the best projects “Feature Animation” (one of the categories of Rookies Awards 2018), there were already 5 students of ESMA:

Adrien Communier, Benjamin Francois, Lydia Joubert, Nicolas Grondin, Timothy Maron.

In the “Film of the year finalists – 3D Animation” category, there were 3 short films from ESMA selected. It was Second Chance, Blue Gold and Sailor’s Delight.


This result is the result of hard work on the part of teaching teams, students, teaching teams!